How is Solar Good for the Environment?

How is Solar Good for the Environment?

In many ways, solar energy is an eco-friendly, financially beneficial source of energy. It is carbon-neutral, which means it does not emit CO² or other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. It is a zero-emission energy generation source that uses photons from the sun to produce electricity.

What does this mean for the environment?

Replacing traditional fossil fuels with sustainable sources of energy like solar means fewer emissions will be circulating in the atmosphere. These excess greenhouse gasses are the reason for numerous environmental issues such as rising temperatures, habitat destruction, ocean acidification, oil spills, gas leaks, pollution and more frequent and intense droughts, hurricanes, and floods. Just one home switching to solar could offset an average of over 6,000 pounds of CO2 emissions each year. The more renewable energy sources are utilized, the less dirty energy sources will be burned.

Does this have any health benefits?

Yes! Air quality is a very serious issue that is prevalent everywhere. From Delhi, India to cities like Los Angeles in California, air quality can pose serious health risks to the population. Not only do other energy sources contribute to excess CO² into the atmosphere but they also emit sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, and particulate matter. Air pollution can cause diseases such as asthma, severe bronchitis, other respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, strokes, COPD and lead to other health risks in the future. The World Health Organization estimates that air pollution is responsible for about 7 million deaths annually. This means that air pollution is the #1 environmental health risk worldwide. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy can change the quality of the air everyone shares and avoid premature deaths as well as preventable diseases.

What about the materials of solar panels?

Many energy generation sources leave something behind, whether it is nuclear waste, particulates, air pollution, or contaminating groundwater. Solar does not have emissions or hazardous waste to leave behind. Solar energy is a cradle-to-cradle energy source. This means from production to the end of its use, the panels do not leave waste behind that cannot be used in the future. Solar panels are made from recyclable materials! They can be utilized again and again.

Switching to solar energy drastically reduces your carbon footprint. Reducing the amount of CO² and other particulate matter in the atmosphere goes a long way for the environment and for human health. Solar panels have proven themselves to be a great financial benefit but are also providing a greener alternative energy to better the planet!

Figure 1: Based on the average ACE Solar customer, who installs 8.56 kW of solar.

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