The Benefits of Solar From a Business Perspective

solar panels on barn

The Benefits of Solar From a Business Perspective

You’ve probably noticed that more businesses and homes in your area have solar panels on them or you’ve seen news articles about how much companies save by going solar, but you’re still wondering if it’s right for you. In this blog, we’ll focus on the key aspects of going solar and some of the most common questions that business owners have about converting. 

Is It Worth It?

First off, there are some questions that you need to ask yourself. What are the electricity costs like in your state? Does your business require a lot of power? Do you have the space available on your roof or elsewhere on your property that you can install solar panels facing where they’ll receive maximum sunlight. Can turning to solar make your business more profitable? 

If answering these questions has piqued your interest in solar, you should find a reputable solar contractor and learn more about the costs of installing solar. After all, when you own a business, it’s all about price, and the right contractor can make you aware of all of the incentives you qualify for. 

Solar Incentives

Solar power is a more clean energy source and that means that many communities are encouraging residents to switch to this green alternative. For Massachusetts specifically, there is the SMART program in which solar owners get compensated by their utility company for extra energy produced, so your system will not only save you money, it can make you money. This program was launched in 2018 and is available for Eversource, National Grid, and Unitil service areas. 

Some incentives are available to everyone including a federal investment tax credit, depreciation benefits, and net metering. With all of these incentives and the increased efficiency of your business, you’ll have the opportunity to invest money into your business elsewhere besides keeping the lights on. Reach out to a reputable solar contractor to get the maximum rebates and savings on your commercial solar system.  

Being an Environmentally-Friendly Business

In addition to all of the measurable benefits of going solar with your business, there are also benefits to your image. With many communities doing things like switching away from styrofoam and excess plastics, everyone is a bit more conscious of the environment today. Let’s face it, consumers today don’t want to spend their hard-earned money with companies creating smog. Solar is a functional expression that your business cares about efficiency and clean energy. This can help you attract top talent as well. Many younger professionals value working for companies that aren’t part of the problem. 

Going solar is beneficial as a business whether your property is large or small, there is likely a solar solution that will work. If you’re considering solar for your business, ACE Solar can help. Contact us to get a quote today. 

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