Stay-At-Home Energy Efficiency Tips

Stay-At-Home Energy Efficiency Tips

Many people are working from home while we follow CDC and state recommendations for social distancing, which means we might be using a lot more electricity than we do when we’d otherwise be at work. Energy efficiency is always important and can save you a lot of money, but now more than ever seems like the best time to improve it! We wanted to give you some tips on how to save on electricity and even lower your electric bill whether you have a solar array or not.

1. Unplug Electronics When Not in Use

Phantom energy is the unwanted amount of electricity electronics use when they are off but plugged into a power source. A National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) study from 2015 found that around 23% of a household’s energy is wasted in phantom energy. Microwaves, phone chargers, printers, blenders, and televisions – one of the worst offenders – will draw electricity when not in use, as well as many other home appliances. Smart devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home that wait for keywords to be said are also constantly drawing energy. Unplugging devices when you are not using them can save you a lot more than you might think.

2. Turn Off Lights When Not in Use

This one is a simple one, but a great reminder to make sure lights are off when you are not using them. There is a myth that it takes more energy to turn lights or appliances on and off than to just leave them going- but this is wrong! Turning devices on or off will not draw more energy than leaving them on, so don’t forget to flip the switch when you leave a room.

3. Open the Blinds or Curtains

If your home gets enough natural light throughout the day it can be used to illuminate and even warm-up your house without electricity. Opening the curtains can allow you to keep the light switch off and even get some vitamin D. Plus, it’s a great reminder that there is a world out there while we’re all stuck at home.


4. Monitor Home Energy Use

When reviewing the amount of electricity you’re using at home, it’s important to know which appliances are using the most energy so you can make adjustments accordingly. Whether it’s reducing the use of certain appliances or investing in more energy-efficient models, you’d want to start with the biggest energy hogs. This can be done in a few ways; by checking each appliance for the ‘EnergyGuide’ sticker with monthly estimates, or you could invest in Home Energy Monitoring technology. Some of these devices allow you to see exactly which appliances are using the most energy and give recommendations for conserving energy and saving money over time.

5. Have a Game Night

How could a game night possibly reduce electricity? Many of us relax at the end of the day by watching a movie or binge-watching a new series. If you have at least one game night a week without TV you could be saving energy and having fun! It can be good to switch up the old routine, too. Need some ideas? Check out Rave Reviews ‘Best Board Games of All Time’ list. 

6. Lights Out Night

Get out the candles, turn off the lights, and unplug from phones to not only save energy but relax or have quality time with the family. This could be a time to decompress, take a hot bath, do yoga, meditate, or a home spa night with face masks and pedicures (relaxing is probably something we could all enjoy at this point). This could also be a scary story night or a game night without any lights. The possibilities are endless but having an unplugged night can not only save energy but is a great way to relax, too.

7. Reduce Hot Water Use and Temperature

It can take electricity to heat the water in your home. When doing laundry, you can use cold water to reduce the amount of hot water you use and how much electricity it takes to heat it. You can also try to take shorter showers and not leave the water running. On a similar note, turning down the temperature of your water heater is a great way to save energy and money. Your water heater might be set at 140℉ by default, but you can lower this temperature to save electricity and money.

We hope these quick energy efficiency tips will help lower your electric bill during a time when your energy use might be increasing. Energy efficiency is a great place to start when wanting to lower your electric bill, but what a lot of people do not realize is how much money you can save going solar. Solar loans are designed to be less than your electric bill so you start saving from day one, and in 5-7 years you could have free electricity. Whether it’s doing something as small as turning off the lights, or as much as producing your own clean electricity, it is good for the environment and your wallet.

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