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Experienced Commercial & Industrial Solar Contractor

ACE Solar‘s team of engineers, project managers, electricians, and installers have handled projects of almost any size and description, across New England and beyond. Whether it’s a rooftop, parking garage canopy, landfill, or solar farm, we can install on every type of site. Whether you’re exploring the potential benefits for your property, or looking for a competitive bid for your next project, we’re here to help.

solar panels

Trust the Experts in Solar

For businesses, municipalities, non-profits, universities, and other institutions, solar is an investment that delivers major dividends. ACE Solar specializes in helping clients like these, known as Commercial and Industrial (C&I) in the industry, take advantage of the benefits of solar. Whether it’s designing the perfect system for your property, or ensuring you get all the incentives available, our experienced team offers a seamless commercial solar experience from beginning to end.

Contact Us Today to See How Ace Solar Can Help Your Business Save Money!

If you have a property that already has a solar installation and are looking for the peace of mind that comes with having a professional service company, visit our Operations & Maintenance page for more information.

Discover How Our Solar Expertise Can Help You!