How to Lower Your Electric Bill

How to Lower Your Electric Bill

To start off, you should acknowledge that electricity consumption in the US is on the rise. In addition, the growing population is seeing an influx of a vast array of home appliances and goods that contribute to increasing electric bills. In fact, a vast majority is unaware of the potential drawbacks of electricity over-consumption.

Some mindful homeowners practice due diligence and adjust their energy consumption routines according to usage needs. So, in order to save the planet and the money in your pocket, you can check out a few quick ways to reduce your electric bill.

4 Tips to Lower Your Electric Bill

Let’s start with the common notion of saving electricity. Of course, it leads to a lower electric bill. It is a critical step when using electricity carefully. You should avoid leaving electric appliances on unnecessarily. Consequently, you should reduce your electric bill costs by taking avoidable energy consumption measures. Besides that, let’s take a look at some other tips to lower your electric bill.

House Lighting

For starters, you can replace traditional incandescent lighting with LEDs. What’s the benefit? Well, they are diodes that do not use excessive electricity to produce light. In fact, they are durable, robust, brighter, and increasingly energy-efficient.

House Windows

To avoid overusing your air conditioning unit, try to use quality blinds that reflect extra sunlight. Reports suggest that heat gain goes down 77% when you limit sunlight coming into the house. Subsequently, you can adopt a frequent task of cleaning your windows in the winter to allow adequate sunlight inside your house (which heats it naturally).


Use the thermostat wisely! Opt for a smart one if possible. Avoid increasing or decreasing the temperature when there is no specific need. In fact, when you leave your home in the summer, increase the temperature by a few degrees to reduce electricity consumption. Conversely, you can do the opposite in winter! Controlling the house temperature via a thermostat lowers your electric bill significantly.

HVAC System

Do you have an HVAC system? Well, 90% of residential estates in the US have air-conditioning units! Overall, if your HVAC system is not efficient or effective, it’s time to consider a maintenance check.

Clear out the air vents/ ducts, perform repairs, look for damages, and replace old components. Lastly, ensure that it does not use excessive energy to produce the same heating or cooling levels in contrast to low electricity consumption.


Are you looking for more ways to reduce your electric bill? Consider going solar, it’s an outstanding investment that allows you to take advantage of the sun’s power. To cater to your needs, ACE Solar offers the best solar installation programs. Apart from that, we have a highly skilled and knowledgeable staff of engineers and installers that can provide optimal -solutions. Give us a call at 1-800-223-1462 to schedule a -meeting with an expert today!

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