How Net Metering Benefits You in the Offseason

Solar panels on a home's roof

How Net Metering Benefits You in the Offseason

Massachusetts is known for having some of the highest energy costs anywhere in the United States. Are you a homeowner who has considered solar in the past but was hesitant because of the long Winters that we sometimes experience in New England? Massachusetts and other states have helped to quell these worries with a billing mechanism known as net metering. 

What is Net Metering?

It’s one of the top incentives for home and business owners to switch to solar power. Most solar panel systems are still connected to the energy grid, and net metering creates a symbiotic relationship between you and your local energy company. With net metering, the excess energy that your system generates during the Spring and Summer is shared with your neighbors, and you’re credited with energy when you need it at night and during the Winter. Net metering helps reduce the strain on the energy grid. It also makes it so you won’t have outsized bills at any time of the year, you’ll save money, and the bills you do have will be consistent and affordable. Having four seasons makes New England great, and net metering makes solar in our area efficient and practical. 

Net Metering in Massachusetts

The largest energy companies in Massachusetts are Eversource, National Grid & Fitchburg Gas, and each of them participates in net metering programs. Each company has a different cap on net metering but homes and small business are typically exempt according to the state’s net metering guide

As far as billing goes, with any utility company in the state, you’ll be paying for your net usage ((energy consumed)-(energy generated)). If you’ve generated more than you’ve consumed, this credit will appear on your monthly bill and be applied to future invoices. Cities and towns can sometimes offer additional programs or benefits to homeowners opting for solar; it’s essential to check with your installer and take advantage. 

On the surface, solar in New England doesn’t seem like the best way to power your home, but the incentives and programs offered in Massachusetts make the change more than worthwhile in the Bay State.

Massachusetts is a state that is investing in clean energy, so programs incentivizing homeowners to go solar are getting better and better. The experienced solar engineers and contractors can help you make the most of your transition to solar and generate more power than you’d expect. Contact our team today for a quote.   

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