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Solar panel on a open space

Many people perceive solar energy as the mounted solar panel on buildings’ roofs supplying power directly from the sun to homes and companies. The sun’s usefulness is beyond our imagination. The light and heat energy created by the sun is useful across different aspects of our lives. Sunlight is readily available for us to use, making it the best alternative energy to make our daily activities easier.

Now let’s look at the creative applications of solar energy in our daily lives:

Solar Water Heating

The fabrication of solar cells to be more creative brought about heating water with energy coming directly from the sun. The burning of gas and electricity can reduce with this latest development. The positive about the solar-powered water heater is it charges and store energy, making it usable during winter. You can rest assured of getting warm water even in cold seasons.

Solar Ventilation

One innovation that came with solar energy is the solar attic fans that aid ventilation in homes. Are you worried about the summer sun? These solar attic fans have you covered. The pressure on your HVAC will reduce significantly with this innovative product. That way, expenses on energy will also be reduced.

Solar Transportation

Powering transport with solar power is still in the early stage. Researches and development are in process for proper application in the future. At the moment, we already have solar-powered cars and trains. With time, all means of transportation will be under this category. Some electric cars are working perfectly. All thanks to solar panels and solar–connected batteries

Solar-Powered Roads

Generation of clean energy is feasible through solar-powered roads that brighten up at night and liquefy snow in cold seasons. The material used in constructing the roads enables tracking of temperature and powering the lanes when necessary. It is also an innovation under research by transportation agencies and solar companies.

Solar Storage

Researchers are in search of strategic ways to conserve the energy generated by solar PV systems. The electricity we generate is available for immediate consumption rather than storing for later use. While this sounds good, scientists are making efforts to create solar storage to conserve electricity in abundance. It could be the beginning of a new revolution in the power space.


We are aware of the use of solar energy for electricity generation. However, we can utilize solar for many activities other than generating electricity for commercial or residential use. Do you want to be part of the community using solar energy in your daily life? Our team can help find a solar solution for your home or business. Contact ACE Solar for a quote today.