An Update on the SMART Program

An Update on the SMART Program

SMART program logo

Massachusetts has been recognized as one of the best states to go solar, thanks to the SMART Program making solar so affordable. The SMART Program is funded by the Department of Energy and local utilities, and its purpose is to make solar more affordable to both businesses and residents of Massachusetts.

The program does so by paying solar customers monthly for an agreed-upon amount based on the energy they produce for 10-20 years depending on the size of their solar project. This means not only are customers in Massachusetts decreasing or eliminating their electric bill, but they’re receiving a check every month on top of those savings. That’s right, people are getting paid to use electricity when you’ve been paying for it.

SMART is a declining block program, which means when a block is filled by a certain amount of MW installed, the incentive amount decreases. This means the funds are on a first come first serve basis, and the sooner people apply for these funds the better the incentive will be.

As of 2020, the program has increased to 3.2 GW of blocks to stimulate the economy and offer economic help to those trying to lower their electric bills with solar energy. This program has expanded especially to small solar projects and low-income community solar projects to assure clean energy is affordable and accessible to Massachusetts.

Graphic heading for 'What is SMART?'

Massachusetts residents and businesses are lucky to have The SMART Program available to them, as it is possibly the most lucrative solar incentive in the country. It makes solar more affordable and greatly increases the ROI when combined with available tax incentives and other rebates.

Wondering if you’re eligible for the SMART program? Check out our previous post for more details on qualifications and eligibility.

At ACE we handle everything for you, from incentives to installation. We are a small, local business in Massachusetts and we are experienced with the SMART Program and other incentives. We will take care of all the applications and permitting to make it easier for you to take advantage of these great incentives. We also make it easy to get a free quote. Just click here and complete the form to get the process started.

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