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Man Cleaning Solar Panels

You have made the right decision and invested in solar panels for your company! Now what?

Maintaining your solar panels is important for optimal performance, and it’s easier than you might think. With just two to four maintenance checks per year, you can ensure your panels are running at peak efficiency. Be sure to refer to your solar company’s manual for specific care guidelines, but for now, I provide you with tips and tricks to make sure your solar panels are working to the best of their ability.

  •  It’s important to track the energy output of your solar panels closely. Typically a continuous drop in production is an indicator that maintenance is needed.
  • Ideal times for maintenance are in the fall and spring, as winter can leave dust and debris on your panels, and autumn brings falling leaves and other debris.
  • It is also very important to remain vigilant about other potential issues such as tree sap and bird droppings, as they are acidic and can damage the insulated wires.
  • Inspect wires and connections to ensure they remain in good condition, as critters can sometimes cause unnoticed damage.
  • Do not use cleaning agents or soap to clean solar panels because this can damage the panels by leaving streaks. Also, do not attempt to wash on a hot day as this can also damage the panels.
  • Participation in regular maintenance checks not only keeps your panels clean but also allows you to monitor their performance closely, identifying and addressing issues promptly.

Sunset over Solar Panels

Ensuring your solar panels operate efficiently and deliver maximum energy output requires regular maintenance. Keeping up with these needs can help you save on costs and maximize the benefits of your solar investment. For added peace of mind during your busy schedule, consider hiring a professional to conduct an annual inspection. Let the experts handle the details, ensuring your solar investment continues to deliver maximum benefits.