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Utility-Scale Ground Mount Solar Installation

ACE Solar has completed projects across a wide range of complexity, size, and location. One of our specialties is turnkey large-scale ground mount installations on any site, whether it’s a capped landfill, mixed-use farm, or undeveloped land.

solar panels

Large-Scale Solar Installations Are Key Pieces of the Energy Transition

ACE Solar specializes in designing and constructing systems of this size, providing industry-leading EPC and solar energy construction services. From Maine to Maryland, New York to New Hampshire, and beyond, our team has the expertise to manage solar projects of any size. Whether you need a subcontractor for a specific scope, or a proven EPC to manage the entire project – our team has the skill set to successfully manage your project to completion on time and on budget.

Get in Touch to See How We Can Partner With You to Complete Your Project!

If you have a property that already has a solar installation and are looking for the peace of mind that comes with having a professional service company, visit our Operations & Maintenance page for more information.

Discover How Our Solar Expertise Can Help You!