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Peoples United bank solar panel

From small businesses like ours to Fortune 500 companies, solar has proven itself to be a worthy investment for businesses time and time again. Installing solar panels on your property nearly guarantees a significant financial return for your business, while sending the message that your company is socially conscious and environmentally friendly.

Going solar can offset your business’ electricity needs, so your profit margin will be higher because utilizing solar energy drastically reduces operating costs. On top of that, electricity prices are rising and constantly changing. The variability of these rates can add up quickly for businesses, but with solar energy, the uncertainty of future electric bills is no longer an issue.

Solar business Energy

In addition to the financial incentives, installing solar tends to generate a positive reaction as it would be considered an environmentally conscious decision by consumers and potential clients. There is a wave of businesses embracing sustainable practices to better the environment and keep consumers happy, such as LEGOFacebook, and Bank of America to name a few. People are thrilled to find companies doing what they can to be sustainable and give back to the community and environment, so going solar is another way to set your company apart from the rest.

How can a business afford to go solar? It’s easier than you may think! With Federal tax credits, local incentives, and accelerated depreciation; purchasing a new solar array is affordable for many small businesses. The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is currently 30% of the cost of the system and with accelerated depreciation, business owners can deduct up to 85% of the cost of the system.

Delivery warehouse for trucks.

The state of Massachusetts has some of the best incentives in the country that drive the cost of solar down even more. Massachusetts offers the SMART Program, which allows utilities to discount your electricity for 10 years. Massachusetts also provides $0 down loans with low, fixed interest rates that are designed to have payments lower than the electric bill. These programs, along with other states that have their own incentives, make it simple and affordable to go solar.

Going solar is an investment in the future. With high ROI, low electricity bills, and another reason for customers to choose your business you’ll wonder why you waited so long to go solar!