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Industry-Leading EPC Services

An experienced EPC contractor like ACE Solar allows developers and property managers to rely on a single provider to manage every aspect of their solar energy project. With a full scope of expertise from the design and planning stage (engineering) through sourcing necessary materials (procurement) and building the system (construction), we can ensure efficiency, quality, and streamlined communication throughout the entire process. We are proud to be the #1 solar in our home state, and top-100 overall as ranked by Solar Power World Magazine for eight consecutive years.

solar panels

Why Businesses Should Switch to Solar

Solar power can be incredibly transformative for businesses and commercial ventures. Here’s how:

  • Cost Cutting: Solar power saves significantly on energy spending and usage over time, allowing businesses to keep more of their hard-earned revenue.
  • State and Local Incentives: Many states and localities offer tax incentives, credits, rebates, grants, and incentives to further reduce the cost of solar installations.
  • Customer Appeal: An increasing number of consumers prefer to support businesses that demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability.

Comprehensive Solar Installation Services

We manage commercial solar projects of a variety of sizes and descriptions. Some of the most common are the following:

Rooftop Installations

We have installed some of the largest rooftop arrays in New England and beyond.

Ground-Mounted Arrays

Decades of experience in building the largest systems in the toughest weather region in the country.

Tracking Systems

Our solar tracking systems allow panels to remain oriented towards the sun throughout the day to maximize energy production.

Solar CarPorts

A dual-purpose energy efficiency solution, solar systems installed on canopies over parking lots or garages both shelter vehicles and generate power.

EPC Defined


Engineering excellence - combining quality, creativity, and efficiency - is crucial to your project's success. At ACE Solar, our team of electrical, structural, and civil engineers leverages decades of experience to design and optimize solar and energy storage systems. We're committed to your financial objectives, crafting systems that balance size, energy output, and investment to maximize returns. Our approach involves continuous evaluation of capital expenditure, operational costs, and production, ensuring each system is tailored to its specific site and delivers the best overall solution aligned with your goals.


We streamline our operations by running procurement alongside design, saving you time and money. ACE SOLAR leverages expertise, experience, and negotiation skills to source equipment for your projects, significantly reducing costs through our vendor relationships. While we all use equipment from top-tier, industry-leading suppliers, our unique vendor relationships allow us to secure better prices, potentially boosting your return on investment by hundreds of thousands of dollars. We foster positive relationships which has enabled us to smooth the solar supply chain, passing the resulting cost savings directly to our clients.


Construction is the core competency of ACE Solar. We've developed a basic approach to the industry by combining technology with a time-tested approach to building solar and energy storage systems. As a vertically integrated electrical construction firm we optimize the construction phase, ensuring speed without compromising quality or safety. ACE guarantees your asset is completed on schedule and within budget.

Discover the Power of Solar Today

ACE Solar is excited to meet with you and help you discover how solar energy can benefit your business. We love to design unique solutions that meet the commercial solar needs of our clients. We aim to make sustainable energy accessible for your business so you can forge a better future for your facility, employees, and the world.

If you have a property that already has a solar installation and are looking for the peace of mind that comes with having a professional operations and maintenance company, visit our Solar Service page for more information.

Discover How Our Solar Expertise Can Help You!