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Solar Construction Expertise, Born from Experience

ACE Solar is a full-scope, turnkey solar engineering, procurement, and construction contractor that was “Born from Experience” by industry veterans with over three decades of solar project expertise. ACE Solar was founded in 2013 and is proud to have become a top solar contractor in the country in Solar Power World’s prestigious rankings. During our years of service, we’ve installed, maintained, and operated over 552 Megawatts of solar projects for national, regional, and local solar developers, property owners, and municipalities. Our past projects include landfills, brownfields, carports, roof mounts, greenfields, municipal buildings, and more.

solar panels on roof

Experienced Solar Project Management

We have developed a leading solar EPC team with a fusion of well-rounded expertise and proven experience. Our team members have undergone rigorous training and education, and have years of experience fulfilling projects of all sizes and scopes. We take pride in our sterling reputation for excellent, proven results, customer service, and performance. Our team will partner with you to develop a solar panel solution that meets your goals on time and on budget.

Coolidge Rooftop & Canopy Solar Panels

Licenses, Certifications, and Company Highlights

As seasoned professionals, our team has earned and maintained the industry’s highest safety and quality certifications. Our licenses, certifications, and qualifications are proof of our commitment to excellence. During our career, we’ve achieved the following,

  • Construction Supervisor License
  • Licensed Master Electrician
  • Professional Engineer
  • NABCEP Certification
  • Certified Solid Waste Third Party Inspector
  • 30-hour OSHA Certification
  • 40-hour HAZWOPR OSHA Certification
  • Recordable Incident Rating of 0
  • Lost Work Day Incident Rate of 0

An Unrelenting Devotion to Safety

At ACE Solar, safety is always a top priority regardless of what project we’re working on. Every team member, from the Director of Operations on down, upholds rigorous safety standards. Each member must undergo 10 hours of OSHA certification training, with some achieving 30-hour OSHA training and 40-hour HAZWOPR OSHA training. Before each project, we develop a comprehensive safety plan that includes daily safety briefings and random inspections. Our policy holds each team member accountable from start to finish, ensuring a secure and comfortable jobsite.

Discover How Our Solar Expertise Can Help You!