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Discover How Our Solar Expertise Can Help You

ACE Solar has handled projects of every size and description across New England and beyond. Whether it’s a rooftop, parking garage canopy, landfill, or solar farm, we can install on every type of site. And, if you want to complement your system with a battery or other energy storage system (ESS), we can install that too, making ACE Solar a one-stop-shop for all your solar installation needs.

Coolidge Rooftop & Canopy Solar Panels

Specializing in What You Need

We specialize in providing engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services for commercial solar projects. Whether it’s a commercial and industrial (C&I) project, like the rooftop of a small business; a government contract, like a school; or a large-scale ground mount installation, we thrive in projects of every scope.

Have an existing system? We provide solar maintenance services (known as operations and maintenance in the industry) for both commercial and residential systems. If you are looking for the peace of mind of having solar experts behind you, check out our operations and maintenance services.

Discover How Our Solar Expertise Can Help You!