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Commercial Solar EPC and O&M

Born From Experience

Experienced Solar Construction Services

ACE Solar was founded in 2013 and has been focused on the opportunity to build cleaner energy solutions. We began this journey in residential and commercial installations progressing to utility-scale projects over time, that’s why we’re Born from Experience. We are an independent EPC solar contractor providing full-service solar energy solutions including engineering, solar site design, procurement, pre-construction, construction, and operational management of solar energy assets.

ACE Solar offers a reliable solution for all your solar project construction needs. Our in-house team of construction, electrical, and engineering professionals combines expertise with established industry connections and decades of experience. We collaborate closely with clients throughout every phase of the solar project. With a track record of over 552 Megawatts in completed projects, we excel in managing complex installations, prioritizing quality control, safety, and expert craftsmanship.

solar panels

Industry-Leading EPC Services

Engineering, Procurement, and Construction represents the full lifecycle of a solar project. With an EPC contractor like ACE Solar, developers, property and project owners can rely on a single provider to manage every aspect of their solar energy project, ensuring efficiency, quality, and streamlined communication throughout the entire process.

solar panels

Why Choose ACE Solar?

During our years of service, we’ve not only built and maintained hundreds of megawatts of solar, but also a sterling reputation for customer satisfaction, competitive pricing, and transparent, professional guidance. We are committed to meeting your solar needs with top-quality solutions, and our ongoing maintenance will ensure your system – whether on the roof of a small business or a utility-scale solar farm – remains in optimal condition. We will educate you about your solar panels and system, giving you the tools to control your energy independence. Regardless of your installation or maintenance needs, our team brings the experience, knowledge, and support to expertly accomplish your solar goals.

Take the First Step Towards Your Future With Solar Today

ACE Solar empowers and supports clients from beginning to end, providing seamless transitions from traditional to solar energy. We will begin your journey toward sustainable energy with a consultation to learn your commercial solar needs. Our team will ensure that you can take advantage of the benefits of solar by customizing a system to your specifications. We can’t wait to help you move towards a future powered by clean, safe, affordable solar energy benefiting both your business and the planet.

ACE Solar


16 High St # 300
North Andover, MA 01845

Other Locations:
North Oxford, MA
Biddeford, ME
Atkinson, NH
Silver Springs, MD
New York City, NY
